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You’ll know Lex Croucher from her honest talking YouTube channel – whether you’ve seen her Love Island audition or vegan meal planning inspo, we can’t get enough of her. Unless you’ve been on the other side of the world with no phone reception, you’ll know she’s just released her first ever book, ‘You’re Crushing It! Positivity for Living Your REAL Life’ – and it’s the book we’ve always needed. Think of it as a self-help guide, but without the bullsh*t. This is filled with advice learnt from real life happenings – YES, everyone else does have those period problems too!
To celebrate the release, we’re taking a look at 10 things we learnt from reading ‘You’re Crushing It’ – trust us, there were many more, but then we’d just be copying and pasting the entire book here.
1. Let go of the people who have let go of you… Like Rose and Jack on the floating door of your friendship.

She’s right, have you ever been in that situation where it’s always you making the first move, otherwise you never see your friend? Do they take you for granted but you say to yourself, ‘it’s okay’ because they’ve been in your life for too long? It doesn’t have to be that way.
2. There are lots of different ways to be attractive to other people, your personality, attitude towards others or excellent working knowledge of maritime law can be attractive. Regardless of who you are, or what you look like, there’ll be people very happy to be with you.

3. Imagine growing up in a world where there was no social media, do you think you’d be happier and feel less pressured? We’ve all seen #CoupleGoals on Instagram, but people love to present their ‘best selves’ on social media, especially when it comes to love they often want to shout about how well things are going. To compare yourself to the social media ‘ideal’, or to expect that of your actual relationship isn’t healthy.
“You don’t need to be picture perfect on social media to have a great relationship”
4. As hard as it is to tune out unhelpful thoughts such as comparing yourself to others or rating yourself out of ten, it’s worth trying to reframe the attitude you have towards your appearance by working out what makes you feel good first, and then everything else second.

5. Give yourself time to rest. At some point if you’re doing too much for your own body or brain, you will reach breaking point and nobody wants that. What are some of the things you like to do to take your mind off of things and relax? It could be Netflix or running, it’s different for everyone.
6. Write down lists of the things that are bothering you or that you have to face up to, like an emotional shopping list. You’re equipped to deal with most things that life throws at you. Take a deep breath and tackle them one at a time.

7. “Our bodies and what they do naturally should not be a shameful secret. We poop, have periods and grow hair”. SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!

8. There’s been a lot of talk about self-care lately and that’s great! But it doesn’t all have to be spa weekends and things that break the bank. Take a stroll in your local park, have a well-deserved nap or take a long, luxurious bath.

9. Be thoughtful about your impact on the world. Use less single-use plastic, recycle everything you can, get a reusable mug for hot drinks, shop for clothes less often and choose cruelty-free options.
10. You can remove negative people from your online life. If they were shouting at you through your window you’d close it, so why keep putting up with them?
Want more goodness like this? Lex’s ‘You’re Crushing It’ is available to buy now, you’ll wonder what you did before you ever had it in your life.
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