Review: Suicide Squad Extended Cut
If like me, you’re one of the very few people who DIDN’T see ‘Suicide Squad‘ at the cinema, you’re in luck. The movie is now available to own forever and watch as many times as you want from the comfort of your own sofa. Is it worth chucking the ‘Extended Cut’ into your baskets and settling down with it this Christmas? The short answer is yes. Why? I’m about to tell you.
For those who don’t know, ‘Suicide Squad’ is set after the death of Superman. The leader of a secret agency, Amanda Waller convinces the government to recruit super-villains who are imprisoned to protect the world. She summons Deadshot, an incredible hitman; The Joker’s girlfriend and former psychiatrist Harley Quinn; Diablo, a pyrokinetic; the bank thief Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc, the mutant killer; the criminal Slipknot; and the witch Enchantress. To convince the group to obey orders, a nano-bomb is implanted in the neck of each member. It’s up to this assembled team of villains to prevail over the seemingly impossible events that will unfold before them, in what many deem to be a suicide mission.

What’s different about the Extended Cut?
11 whole minutes of previously deleted footage has been added to this home release version. For the absolute film buff, there are plenty of extended scenes, new exchanges, and a deeper dive into the motivations and mad love between the Joker and Harley Quinn.
Are the extra scenes worth it? Absolutely.
Suicide Squad Extended Cut is out now on Digital Download and available on 4K, Blu-ray ™ 3D and Blu-ray ™ 5th December.