5 TV shows to look forward to in 2017
The end of the year is fast approaching (thank god?), and if there’s anything to look forward to… it’s returning TV shows. Can I get a hell yeah? Because you’ve probably already finished binging shows on Netflix, true?

I have a feeling 2017 will be a good year, for television at least. You should all be aware that I’m the biggest TV geek ever, right? Which means I’ve listed a bunch of my favourite shows that are returning next year.
1. ‘GRIMM’

The little show that could. Not many people thought this show would make it past it’s first season. Ha, they were so wrong. ‘Grimm’ is one of those guilty pleasure shows that does everything right. It’s just a great show. And come January 6th, the final season begins. I’m not ready to let it go just yet, but I’ll accept it. It’s going to be very bittersweet for me. I’m emotional.

The final 10 episodes. Ever. I’ve been ready for the last two years. It’s time we find out everything. For real. No bullshit. April cannot come soon enough. I’m still hoping Wren to be the main player in this entire ‘A’ game. I am ready. Are you?
3. ‘THE 100’

I’ve had my ups and downs with this god forsaken show. The first two season were brilliant. The third season… meh, not so much. The writers really screwed up. However, I’m willing to give this show another chance. I care about the characters too much to let it go so soon. I’m hoping season 4 will reinvent ‘The 100’ and bring back the early days. Season 4 premieres on Feb 1st.

It took me three tries to get into this show. THREE! But I’m so glad I did. ‘Game of Thrones’ is epic. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Each episode is a must watch. You miss one episode, you miss so much. And the season 6 finale was something so amazing. The excitement for the final two seasons is so real. Winter is coming mid-2017.

New year, new season of OITNB. Yes please. Considering that massive cliffhanger at the end of season 4, we all need to find out what happens. June 2017 seems too far away. But trust me, it’ll come around so quickly.
Which shows will you be watching? All of them? Same. No regrets.
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