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ross lynch
The Driver Era have been dropping singles for the last year, including a brand new one today, but this time with an album announcement.
The Driver Era release new single prior to UK tour
The Driver Era have released a brand new single ahead of the UK and European leg of their current tour.
The Driver Era Live at The Greek review: The must-see concert film of 2024
The Driver Era held two screenings last week of their new concert film, Live at The Greek. I was lucky enough to attend one and it was the highlight of my 2024 so far.
The Driver Era release their first ever live album
Last week The Driver Era dropped their first ever live album, it was recorded at the Greek Theatre in LA over the summer.
The Driver Era set to release their first live album
The Driver Era have announced they are going to release their first ever live album, recorded at The Greek Theatre.
The Driver Era are back with new song Rumours
Ross and Rocky Lynch drop their latest single, following a successful summer festival run.
All the celebrities joining the Black Lives Matter protests
Celebrities are supporting the highly important BLM movement by attending the protests all around the globe.
The creepy new trailer for My Friend Dahmer has landed
Ross Lynch stars in this upcoming thriller.