New York Times bestselling author of Six Crimson Cranes, Elizabeth Lim, is back with a new vibrant, thrilling and captivating YA fantasy novel, Her Radiant Curse. Following two sisters - one as beautiful as the other is monstrous - who must…
The Vamps’ James McVey talks his debut solo single
James McVey chats to us all about his debut single, ‘Dancing on the Head of a Needle’, which was released last Friday.
Win 1 of 5 copies of One of Us is Back by Karen M. McManus
Read an excerpt and enter for a chance to win a copy for yourself!
JIHYO creates her own ZONE with first solo debut
The member of TWICE is Killin' us for good with her album
aespa have Better Things to do in new single
Don't waste aespa's time, because they have Better Things to do!
Madison Beer makes the world Spinnin with her new single
Madison continues mesmerizing us!
Jesse Q. Sutanto on her gripping new psychological thriller, I’m Not Done With You Yet
Jesse Q. Sutanto's new adult psychological thriller, I'm Not Done With You Yet, is officially here and we're obsessed. Fast paced and deliciously twisted, I'm Not Done With You Yet is the perfect read for anyone looking to lose themselves…
Samantha Shannon on the Bone Season Tenth Anniversary Edition
The Bone Season has been out for 10 years and to celebrate, Samantha Shannon is here to chat about the 10th anniversary edition.
K. X. Song on her poignant debut YA novel, An Echo in the City
This post was written by K.X. Song, author of An Echo in the City.
Alienation and Belonging in the 2019 Hong Kong Protests by K. X. Song
Sometimes, story comes to me in character. Sometimes it comes to me in a question. In the case of An…
U-KNOW releases his Reality Show
U-KNOW has produced the 13-minute short film ‘Nexus’ featuring all tracks from his six-track EP