Here are 5 anthology collections for those who love a themed read, a short read, or just a chance to explore new authors.
Graphic Novel recommendations
Here is our latest graphic novel recommendation list, featuring favourites such as Heartstopper and new titles like The Faint of Heart.
Brittany N. Williams on the fight scenes in That Self-Same Metal
That Self-Same Metal is Brittany N. Williams' debut novel. And as a book following a swordswoman who choreographs fights, it has some amazing fight scenes.
Kamilah Cole on how Joan of Arc inspired her debut novel, So Let Them Burn
"Any honors student can tell you that the accolades and the compliments dry up the older you get."
Naina Kumar shares her most anticipated 2024 debut rom-com books
Check out Naina Kumar's most anticipated 2024 debut rom-coms.
Ariana Grande returns after long music hiatus with yes, and?
No thoughts, just yes, and?
Reminiscing Jungkook’s GOLDEN era
As we prepare to live a whole year with no music from Jungkook, we’ll look back to his solo album GOLDEN and some golden moments of this era.
Win 1 of 5 copies of More Than A Best Friend by Emma R. Alban
This is a historical romance you don't want to miss out on.
30+ YA sci-fi & fantasy book releasing in 2024 (January – June)
New year, new bookish adventures.