There are literally no words to describe this entire week. I was mind-blown. Seeing all my favourite superheroes in one episode was epic. Thank you CW for allowing this amazing story to unfold before my very eyes. I am looking forward to…
Artists to look out for in 2017
With 2016 coming to a close and the many great (and not so great) musical moments of this year soon becoming a distant memory, 2017 beckons us to let some other artists take a hold of the industry (here's looking at you Drake). Whether…
Review: Nerve is an intense and engaging thriller that deserves your attention
At what point would you lose your nerve? Riding a bike 70mph blindfolded? Walking across a ladder God knows how many feet up in the air? Kissing a stranger in public? I can't say that my childhood games of truth or dare came anywhere close,…
Review: The Book of Mirrors by E.O. Chirovici
Author E.O. Chirovici
Title: The Book of Mirrors
Purchase: Available from 26th January in the UK and the 21st February in the US.
Overall rating: 4/5 stars
Great for: Fans of puzzling psychological mysteries and suspenseful…
Review: Gilded Cage by Vic James
Title: Gilded Cage (Dark Gifts #1)
Author: Vic James
Purchase: Available in the UK on Kindle from December 1st 2016, and in paperback from January 26th 2017. Available in the US in hardcover from February 14th 2017
Great for: …
The best book stocking fillers this Christmas
Ah, Christmas time. The most wonderful/stressful time of the year. And, believe you me, buying gifts for people is STRESSFUL. Sometimes the smallest of gifts can be the most difficult to buy. So, we've whipped together the best of the…
My 5 favourite albums from 2016
It's almost the end of 2016 and I have done absolutely nothing. Another year gone. Just kidding, I've worked my ass off to save up to travel the world. I am so ready. Despite all the shit things that happened this year, one thing that I can…
See Justin Bieber behind the scenes in ‘BODYGUARDS: Secret Lives From the Watchtower’
'BODYGUARDS: Secret Lives From the Watchtower' is a new documentary about, unsurprisingly, bodyguards. They're the people you see all the time protecting the stars you love the most, or the guys helping mobsters like Whitey Bulger or…
The CW’s superhero shows ranked best to worst
November sweeps is always an exciting time for any DC fan. Crossover time. I've been hanging out for months, and after watching one of the three episodes, I'm shook. Seeing all my favourite heroes in one episode was beautiful to watch. And…
Closed: Win a DVD bundle & Dave Franco signed poster with Nerve
To celebrate the Home Entertainment release of the electrifying thriller Nerve, we have a DVD Bundle (including Nerve, The Hunger Games film set, Sing Street, Dirty 30, and Brooklyn) and poster, signed by star Dave Franco, to giveaway.…