Artists to look out for in 2017

With 2016 coming to a close and the many great (and not so great) musical moments of this year soon becoming a distant memory, 2017 beckons us to let some other artists take a hold of the industry (here's looking at you Drake). Whether…

Review: Gilded Cage by Vic James

Title: Gilded Cage (Dark Gifts #1) Author: Vic James Purchase: Available in the UK on Kindle from December 1st 2016, and in paperback from January 26th 2017. Available in the US in hardcover from February 14th 2017 Great for: …

My 5 favourite albums from 2016

It's almost the end of 2016 and I have done absolutely nothing. Another year gone. Just kidding, I've worked my ass off to save up to travel the world. I am so ready. Despite all the shit things that happened this year, one thing that I can…