Swearing. We all do it. And if you say you don't, I don't believe you. There's a difference between swearing because you're not articulate enough to find the 'right words' and swearing with justification. I like to think that I swear at…
5 TV shows to look forward to in 2017
The end of the year is fast approaching (thank god?), and if there's anything to look forward to... it's returning TV shows. Can I get a hell yeah? Because you've probably already finished binging shows on Netflix, true?
I have a…
5 artists from my childhood that need to make a comeback
Have you ever put your iPod on shuffle and heard a song that has taken you way back to a certain point in your life? Probably. Music has an amazing ability to do that. Whether it's bringing back a good or a bad memory. I surprise myself…
2016: A top 50 roundup of the best bangers in the pop world
Written by Ellis O'Connell
Look, 2016 has been a crap year in general. But, one thing that hasn’t been crap is pop music. Well done, 2016, for that. Let’s look at the fifty best pop songs of the year by counting them down from 50 to 1.…
Why Him? is the laugh out loud comedy you need to see this Christmas
Bryan Cranston and James Franco in a new Christmas comedy written by Jonah Hill. What could be more intriguing?
Why Him? is a modern re-work of 'Meet the Parents' directed and co-written by John Hamburg (Meet the Parents/Fockers and…
You need to see ‘A Monster Calls’ narrated by Liam Neeson
'A Monster Calls' narrated by Liam Neeson. Well, chapter one anyway. Better than nothing, though? This is absolute gold! I could listen to his Irish accent all day. I think he could probably read a grocery shopping list and make it sound…
10 books you NEED to read over the holidays
With Christmas just around the corner, here we have the countdown of the top ten reads to put you in the festive spirit over the holiday season!
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien…
Review: His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet
Title: His Bloody Project
Author: Graeme Macrae Burnet
Purchase: Available in the UK and the US.
Overall rating: 4/5 stars
Great for: True crime, historical fiction and crime thriller fans
Themes: Mystery, crime, historical,…
Review: The Light That Gets Lost by Natasha Carthew
Author Natasha Carthew
Title: The Light That Gets Lost
Purchase: Available in the UK and the US.
Overall rating: 3/5 stars
Great for: Fans of abstract writing and troubled teen memoirs
Themes: Contemporary, coming-of-age,…
Matilda: From book, to movie, to stage
I grew up on a strict diet of Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl books, and so to see one of my beloved childhood classics reformed for the stage was an exciting prospect!
The tale of the mini prodigy is a universally known one. Her madcap…