The DC superheroes are about to enter into the world of YA
Four of the most infamous young adult and New York Times bestselling authors are about to take on some of the world's most iconic superheroes!
An exciting new series has been scheduled for release in 2017, in a partnership between Random…
Stargazing for Beginners proves chaos is the only constant in this stunning new young adult release
Ultimate space nerd, Megan, has so much to teach the reader about love, loss, identity and, of course, the solar system, in this gorgeously penned and emotive young adult novel.
Cheat Codes talk No Promises and brand new music
Every time 'No Promises' starts playing at work, I always have the urge to dance. It's SUCH a jam. It's pretty clear that Cheat Codes are slowly becoming some of my faves. Luckily, I got the chance to ask those boys a few questions about…
Trend or Trash: Rose Quartz Nails
These nails are going to be everywhere
How Prince Harry talking about the loss of his mother helped me come to terms with my grief
Opening up about his personal struggles, Prince Harry's story made me come to terms with the truth about my grief.
Here’s how to create a Harry Styles pink bath to listen to his album and yes we are serious
Relax in a luxurious Harry Styles bath as you listen to the masterpiece that is his album.
10 famous faces who’ve openly discussed their personal mental health experiences
From pop stars to royalty, there are more people who deal with mental health issues than you realise.
Miley Cyrus frolics on the beach in her music video for ‘Malibu’, giving ultimate summer…
Why can't we look like this at the beach?
Paramore enter the 80s with new album After Laughter
Take a look at some of our favourite Paramore moments.