After 16 years, 5 studio albums, and many singles in between: Paramore have gifted us with a wide range of music and sounds over the years. From sad to joyful, hopeful to vengeful, sarcastic to honest; there's a song for every mood. And…
The post below was kindly written by Jenny Oliver, author of Chelsea High.
Growing up I was addicted to feel-good popular culture. From Sweet Valley Twins and Jilly Cooper to the eye-opening scenes in Shirley Conran’s Lace that I stole off…
The post below was kindly written by Syed M. Masood, author of More Than Just a Pretty Face.
Have you met Muslims?
Because I’ve met Muslims—including the one in my mirror—and they are awesome.
Well…not all of them, obviously. Some of…
Believe it or not, it's been over a year since we last had music from The Vamps. This week they're back with their brand new single ‘Married In Vegas’.