Louis Tomlinson might be dropping his album sooner than we thought

LT1 is on its way, and we can hardly wait another minute.


Throughout his solo career, Louis Tomlinson has been vocal about the progress of creating and recording his debut solo album. He has thanked his fans ever so often and has kept them on their toes with little snippets of his new music and updates on how the album is coming along.


Just recently, Louis tweeted that he was really excited about a couple songs on the album and that we’re getting closer and closer to LT1.

Louis’ tweets sent the rumour mills running, and three unconfirmed sources came out with updates that seemed too good to be true.

@MarcoMoriniTW confirmed that Louis will be touring Italy in a few months.

Ultimate Music on Facebook said that Louis might be dropping two new singles at the same time.

And, according to @los40columbia, the album is rumoured to be coming out in the next few weeks.

We’re not sure if there’s any truth to these rumours, but it feels like we’ve been waiting forever. At the start of 2018, Louis tweeted that he was aiming to release the album in the first half of the year.


We are already a week into April, which leaves Louis with roughly two and a half months to bless us with what has been dubbed as one of the most anticipated albums of the year.

If LT1 drops tomorrow, I wouldn’t be surprised, because Tomlinson is a self-proclaimed ‘little shit’ and he never misses a chance to stay true to his word.

Featured Image Source: People’s Choice


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