Sorry, what do you mean you’re not into the Biebs or his music? I will openly admit I wasn’t really a fan of Justin’s early days. I think because his songs were so overplayed, they became annoying to listen to. Fast forward to now, and I am a Belieber (please don’t roast me). Now that Justin’s become an adult, his music is more mature and more my thing.
And I couldn’t’ve be more excited to attend his ‘Purpose’ world tour this past Friday in Melbourne, Australia at Etihad Stadium. Yaaassss.

The one thing I absolutely loved about going to Justin’s concert was that there were no lines in the men’s bathrooms. Thank you lord. Anyways, back to the actual concert. My friend Steph and I were seated on level 3 with a perfect view of the stage. Yes, it was a bit far, but at least we could see everything. Besides, we really came to just dance it up with each other.
Martin Garrix was one of the support acts, and he did so well. He really got everybody pumped and ready for the Biebs. There was even a bit of a Fifth Harmony remix, I died. As soon as Justin came on, the screams happened. And of course, there were two girls behind me who did some sort of animalistic scream. I was shocked. Like honey, are your throats okay? Need some water? Damn. The poor girl next to me kept jumping every time they screamed. It was hilarious.

There were also a fair few boys there. I was pleasantly surprised. I really think ‘Purpose’ changed the perspective of a lot of people, which I’m so thankful about. Because after jamming to his songs in the car and the clubs, who wouldn’t love them?
As for the concert, I really enjoyed it. Everyone got so lit when ‘Where Are U Now’ began playing. It got everybody in the dancing mood. Amazing. But aw man, when Justin sang his older songs like ‘Boyfriend’ and ‘As Long As You Love Me’, I went off. How can you not just immerse yourself in the moment?
There was also an acoustic version of ‘Cold Water and ‘Love Yourself’. Way to pull at my heart strings Justin!

‘Children’ is one of my (and Steph’s) all-time favourite songs from the ‘Purpose’ album, and damn. We knew it was coming, and we danced the shit out of it. The opportunity was there, and we took it. The beat drop is epic, and the song is really good, too. I wanted Justin to sing it again, it was THAT good.
Now, I’m going to be straight with you (or in my case, gay lol). There’s always that one song that’s embarrassing AF, but you secretly love it. In 1D’s case, it’s ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. For Justin, it’s ‘Baby’. But when he sang it, oh my god. It’s the song you hate to love. It’s become almost iconic, because everyone sings the shit out of it regardless.
‘Sorry’ was the last song Justin sang, and it was my favourite by far. Steph and I have jammed out to it for so long that dancing to it live was a dream come true. I was so proud of us. Worth every single second. And the fireworks were cool, too.

Overall, the ‘Purpose’ world tour was awesome. We had a blast. The only downside was afterwards when 50,000 people were trying to leave the stadium at the same time. It was a nightmare. Imagine ‘The Walking Dead’ in real life. That’s what it felt like. And cause I’m short everyone else was towering over me. The struggles are real.
Until next time Biebs. I’ll definitely be there again.
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