Easter is coming, and what better way to celebrate than by listening to Louis Tomlinson‘s discography all day? Right on cue, Renaissance is hosting a Louis Tomlinson streaming party starting on Friday, April 2 Monday, April 12.
Renaissance is a cool app for both Android and iOS that essentially rewards you for listening to music on streaming platforms. Since it tracks songs you listen to and listening time to keep some stats, this app allows you to support your favorite artists on the leaderboard – Louis is already at No. 1 *pretends to be shocked* – while earning rewards and prizes, including artists merch, tickets, and many more.
All you have to do is listen to your favourite artists on Spotify, joining streaming parties when you can, and earn up to five stars per day (you will get one star every 20 streams) that you can use to redeem exclusive rewards.

The original goal was set to 100k streams, but thanks to Louies’ great response, they increased it to 500k streams, making this their largest streaming party ever! Starting on Monday, April 12 at 12 pm PST (check on the app for the right time according to your time zone), the party will last a whole week. Seven days of Louis Tomlinson and Louis Tomlinson only sounds like the biggest blessing to me.
Listening to Louis’ music – especially his awesome debut album Walls that y’all should definitely stream – would already be enough of a reason, to be honest, but while supporting him and his art you can even get the chance to win a mystery merch box… Is this heaven?
Louies are known for breaking record after record, so this time can’t be any different: We gotta hit that goal and go even beyond it because that’s what Louis deserves always.
To join the party just follow few steps:
Follow the 3 steps below to join the party!
Apple: https://t.co/ATNDxblVd0
Android: https://t.co/zd4YGTcEDy pic.twitter.com/IYsgicq8T5— renaissance (@renaissanceapp) March 29, 2021
We also know that if there is anything Louies break more than records, that’s websites and/or apps and that’s exactly why it’s no surprise at all that we did it this time as well. Due to the overwhelming participation, Renaissance app crashed as soon as the streaming party started and they had to postpone it to April 12 to ensure everything would work. But they also added three shirts to the prizes so we can’t really complain, can we?
Get ready – once again lmao – for #RENxLouisTomlinson and, as a wise man once said, remember that
Every day is a day closer to the first show back!
— Louis Tomlinson (@Louis_Tomlinson) March 30, 2021
Hi! I was wondering if you consider yourself a larry and what are your thoughts on Larry and the Larry part of the fandom?: