Little Mix is the gift that just keeps on giving after announcing they’re heading out on tour in the US with Ariana Grande. The girls have also been spilling details about their upcoming book release ‘Our World’, and low and behold there’s also some book signing dates.

‘Our World’ is said to share Little Mix’s most personal experiences, they talk about friendship, reveal the truth about their relationships, and all the lessons they’ve learned on their journey to stardom.
So far the girls have only announced a London date – with a 12pm and 4pm slot to get your book signed. The event is limited and it’s strictly ticketed, so you’ll need to nab a £16.99 ticket from the link below, or you won’t be getting into the venue.
Grab tickets to a Little Mix book signing in London on October 22nd below.
Buy tickets for the 12-noon signing here.
Buy tickets for the 4pm signing here.
For more information and to pre-order your copy of ‘Our World’, click here.
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Will Little Mix be doing a book signing in Glasgow or Edinburgh ? My daughter would love to see them.
Hey girls we’re coming to Sheffield 2017 is they any chance you can take a minute out to put your signature on my daughters little mix annual #biggest fan #singsalldaytoyourmusic #fanfromthebeginging
Hey girls we’re coming to Sheffield 2017 is they any chance you can take a minute out to put your signature on my daughters little mix annual #biggest fan #singsalldaytoyourmusic #fanfromthebeginging
Will little mix be doing a book signing in liverpool or birkenhead x
Will little mix be doing a book signing in liverpool or birkenhead x
When will little mix be coming Manchester for book signing I really love them all and want to meet perrie and jade
Will lil mix be coming to Cardiff for a book signing soon please
Hi girls are you coming to Newcastle for the book signing my daughter and her friend came to your first book signing at whsmiths and it made her day seeing you all she’s been to your concerts but would love to meet you again she stood for 5 hours to see you last time and would quite happily wait longer she absolutely adores you all hope to see you soon