Alec Benjamin on his music, favourite London spots and more during BST Hyde Park 2024

The singer-songwriter had a hectic day, but still had time for us to do an interview!


The final day of BST Hyde Park 2024 was a day to never forget, and one of the reasons was because of Alec Benjamin whom played an amazing set on the Great Oak Stage. The singer-songwriter had some time to chat with us after a stressful journey to London due to a delayed flight. He spoke about the festival itself, London, and his music, whilst enjoying his candy.

Thank you for your time! How does it feel to play such a big UK festival, like BST Hyde Park?
It was really cool, I always wanted to play this festival, it’s a dream come true really. So, it’s great to be here, I love London.

Oh really! What is your favourite spot in London?
Definitely Portobello Road Market, I love it there.

To stay in the UK vibe… Are there any British artists you look up to?
I have a lot! I obviously love Ed Sheeran, but also Adele, Elton John… there’s a million, there are so many good artists.

How did you get into music then?
When I was 14 when I found out about John Mayer, he’s really the reason why I wanted to make music, and it has started since then.

And now you opened up for him as well. Life goals! Then, you blew up on with your song ‘Water Fountain’, has your view on social media ever changed since then?
Wow, is so long ago haha. But yeah, my view certainly changed. I make music so I can do stuff like this, so I do focus more on social media because it’s how it started. Because of it I can play amazing shows, do this interview with you and so on… and eating my candy.

It’s been a while since you started making music, how are your songs connected to each other?
There are different eras in my life, but I feel like they’re all related because they’re me! It’s how I’m telling my life story to other people. I know some artists do different eras, but I make music because I like to talk about the things that I’m thinking about. There’s always a different main topic on every album, but at the end they’re so me. I’m never really like: ‘Oh I want to re-create this era of music’. Even though it’s really cool to see how other artists do that, it’s just not something that inspires me.

What does your creative process look like whilst making music?
It’s like… I write down the things that I think about in a notepad and try to create titles with them. And from the titles I continue on what’s going on my mind. Just with pen and paper.

Honestly, that’s a really unique way haha. Last question, are there some exciting things coming up?
Yeah, I go on tour in the UK and EU in Spring of 2025 – Exciting times, I can’t wait!

We want to thank Alec Benjamin so much to spend some of his time with us regardless his hectic day. If you’re interested in seeing Alec, then definitely check out his tour dates on his website right here.

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