Fright Night at Thorpe Park 2018: The essential Halloween experience
Would it even be Halloween without Fright Night at Thorpe Park? Definitely not. As the nights get darker and the pumpkin spiced lattes take over our bodies there is no better way to welcome in the Autumn than by being scared shitless by zombies and other spooky creatures.
For those of you that haven’t heard of Fright Night; it’s an interactive Halloween themed series of nights which take place at Thorpe Park throughout October. Alongside the usual brilliant rides and coasters, they throw in a heap of different horror mazes and roaming performers designed to frighten the living daylights out of you. FUN HUH?
This year there are 7 brand new live-action mazes and horror zones set to be more intense and scarier than ever. These include the new Walking Dead made ‘Do or Die’, Vulcan Peak & 2017’s Blair Witch returning with a twist and set deep within the woods.
So what should you expect?
Well, alongside having to look over your shoulder at every given moment because it’s likely you are being chased by a zombie – Thorpe Park have undoubtedly outdone themselves this year to ensure you are terrified through to your bones and will be having nightmares for weeks.

If you are a coward for spoilers please look away now.
The Walking Dead: Do Or Die
This was by far the best maze in my opinion. You start on an eery, bright yellow school bus then get chased and taunted through the maze by a series of zombies. They’ve really gone all out here by featuring scenes from the TV show itself and by the end, my heart was trying to escape my own chest.
The Walking Dead: Living Nightmare
This hasn’t overly changed from last year’s attraction but they have tweaked some of the storyline to freshen it up. Again, expect a copious amount of attention from zombies as you make your way through a spooky hospital and prison with other survivors. Bonus points for amazing set design.
Dead Creek Woods
Set deep within the woods of the park, you’re thrown into a zombie apocalyptic nightmare with this one. The actors are a bit more scarce (as is the narrative) than some of the others but being chased with a very real and very loud chainsaw will never fail to not shit you up. Unfortunately, we had to restart the maze due to some technical difficulties which may have broken the spell a little. But a chainsaw is a chainsaw and we screamed anyway.
Vulcan Peak
The premise of this sounds terrifying. They place a bag over your head and walk you through a maze single file with only a rope for guidance. It was definitely one of the more promising mazes, with the brilliant introduction really selling the story. The reality of it, however, was, unfortunately, a huge anti-climax. Minimal effort is made to really scare you and because you can’t see anything there isn’t a lot to be scared of (unless you’re horrendously claustrophobic then I imagine it would be quite awful, particularly with the somewhat bizarre ending). Great concept, but more jump scares please!
Saw Alive
The Saw films for me, provide some of the most horrific imagery I have ever seen so you know to be expecting the worst before you enter this maze. Thorpe Park have done a great job really drawing on the franchise for brilliant set design, which reminds you of the first times you saw those gross scenes. If you’re a fan of the series it doesn’t disappoint and is filled with horror, gore and plenty of strobing to really screw with your mind.
**Bonus Points for having one of the best-themed coasters in the park with it’s infamous ’beyond vertical’ drop and smooth ride-ability. Which if you take into account bumps this up to a solid:
Blair Witch
Another reappearance from last year but with a different maze route and storyline. The Blair Witch feels like a little bit of an outlier this year as the theme isn’t quite as strong as the others. Though I understand it would be tricky to pull off, there would possibly be more to draw on with this one with the idea of being ‘lost’ in the forest. However, they ramp it up with some sensory overload once you do reach the apex of the maze, which did enhance the experience.
Platform 15
I loved this maze last year and going through it for a second time still proves itself as a bonafide highlight. Again, set deep within the woods you’re taken on a journey along an old abandoned railway line where you hope not to make the same terrible fate as the sleepers. It certainly feels the most isolated and eerie of the mazes and if you’re even a little afraid of the dark you will REALLY be made to face your fears when you’re confronted with the final stretch, where your senses are truly tested and you’re forced to rely on the person in front of you to guide you to safety.
Fright Night at Thorpe Park is the essential event for any lovers of Halloween and a penchant for the macabre. When you bundle in the Thorpe Park’s classic rides like Collusus, Saw, Stealth, Nemesis Inferno and more – you have one of the best value experiences in the UK
Thorpe Park’s Fright Nights season runs until 31st October. For more information and tickets visit: