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A guide to YALC 2018

From July 27th – 29th, hundreds of people will be gathering at London’s Olympia to attend London Film and Comic Con, which also happens to be the home of YALC, the UK’s first Young Adult Literature Convention.

Closed: Win 1 of 3 copies of Obsidio

Need a little pick me up this week? We've got another giveaway you book lovers are going to want to get in on right now. 'Obsidio' by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff are back to draw their trilogy to a satisfying end. Kady, Ezra,…

15 moments all readers can relate to

If your idea of a perfect day is one spent reading, the thought of acquiring a new book fills your heart with joy and you dream of one day owning Belle's library, with Rory Gilmore as your patronus, you'll most likely be able to relate to…