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Artists to look out for in 2017

With 2016 coming to a close and the many great (and not so great) musical moments of this year soon becoming a distant memory, 2017 beckons us to let some other artists take a hold of the industry (here's looking at you Drake). Whether…

My 5 favourite albums from 2016

It's almost the end of 2016 and I have done absolutely nothing. Another year gone. Just kidding, I've worked my ass off to save up to travel the world. I am so ready. Despite all the shit things that happened this year, one thing that I can…

United By Pop Guest Blogging

Want to add to your writing portfolio? Want to be published online? Want to see your work pushed out to thousands of social media followers? United By Pop is a site that's by the fans, for the fans. Chances are, if you're here, you're a…

Review: Little Mix’s Glory Days

Little Mix's 4th album is upon us and boy haven't these 4 ladies come far. Nearly 5 years after they became the first group to win the X Factor, Little Mix have shed the 'winners curse' of the X Factor and become one of the biggest music…