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YA Books
"If you’re thinking of adding more historical fiction to your shelf, I hope you give them a try!"
Elba Luz on her YA debut, Build a Girlfriend
"We zero in on flaws because we wish to change them, so, naturally, they often get more attention than the good…
30+ of the best young adult books released in 2024
From heists and hikes to mariachi and murder, 2024's young adult book releases held nothing back.
With vampires, gods, assassins and more, 2024 was another incredible year for YA fantasy and sci-fi releases.
All about My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999
From the manga, the anime adaptation, to the live-action adaptation, here's a crash course to My Love Story with…
Win a set of Blood for Blood by Catherine Doyle
5 reasons why you should read Catherine Doyle's mafia romance Blood for Blood, and a chance to win your own set!
Want to read Amara Sage's next book before everyone else? Here's your chance to win one of 3 proof copies of Girl, Ultra-Processed.
2024 Festive Gift Guide for Book Lovers
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, December is always the perfect time to hang out with friends and family and…
"This already changes the story in major ways, creating new obstacles to the romances, but also bringing new meaning and light to the stories."
Frank Cadaver discusses why Christmas is often associated with horror
You wouldn't necessarily think that Christmas and horror go hand in hand, but that's exactly what happens in Frank…
How to Survive a Horror Movie – a twisty take on a tried and tested formula by…
Could you survive a horror movie?
Read an exclusive extract from The Blood Orchid by Kylie Lee Baker
Start reading The Blood Orchid today!