B.K. Borison on Business Casual and the end of the Lovelight series

"I hope this is a place readers can return to again and again whenever they need comfort."


B.K. Borison’s Lovelight series is one of the most beloved romance series to hit shelves in recent years and for good reason. With its cosy small town setting, gentle humour and cast of characters you can’t help but root for, this is a series that grabs you by the heart and soothes the soul. It’s a joyous and comforting read not dissimilar to a hot chocolate after a chilly walk or a hug on a trying day and we can’t get enough.

To celebrate the release of Business Casual, the fourth and newest addition to the Lovelight series, we had the please of chatting with B.K. Borison all about these gorgeous stories, upcoming projects and the future of Inglewild.

Hi Becs! I’m thrilled to get to chat to you again today, this time in celebration of Business Casual, the fourth and final instalment in your Lovelight seriesWas a love story of their own something you always envisioned writing for Charlie and Nova when you started the series?

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but when I first started writing LOVELIGHT, I intended for Charlie to be paired with Layla. But once I started writing their characters, I realized they weren’t slotting together the way I wanted them, too. Their relationship is a lot more brother/sister. Then Nova appeared and I started toying with the idea of Nova just being absolutely irritated and confused as to why she’s attracted to this loud, buttoned-up, party boy in a suit. He’s not her usual type, but she’s drawn to him anyway. I thought it was a fun concept to play with.

If you were to move to Inglewild, how active do you think you’d be within the community and more importantly, do you think you’d be added to the phone tree?

Oh gosh, I hope I’d be added. I think in my head, every new resident gets a sneaky invitation from someone their first week or two in town. I don’t think I’d be as invested as some of the residents, but I’d definitely be interested in knowing who is hooking up with who. I’m naturally a nosey person.


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What was your favourite part about writing Charlie and Nova’s story?

Their chemistry was an absolute delight to write. The way they interact with one another—the way they tease and flirt and fight—it was a lot of fun as a writer to play with their dialogue. I also enjoyed diving into their characters, and uncovering the hidden softness for them both. I think people expect Charlie to be one thing, and my hope is with this book, you see him in another light. Nova certainly does.

If Lovelight was adapted for screen, what would be the soundtrack to Charlie and Nova’s love story?

I’m a Taylor Swift girlie. The Archer feels like their song.

In your authors note, you mentioned wanting to keep the door of Lovelight Farms open for potential future books. Even though this is hypothetical, do you have any seeds of thoughts of what your return to Inglewild might look like?

I very much do. That’s all I’ll say about that for now.

What’s one message you hope your readers will take away from the series?

I hope this is a place readers can return to again and again whenever they need comfort. I’ve always said I wrote LOVELIGHT as a place for myself to disappear to, and the most rewarding part of this author journey has been realizing that it became that for other people, too. So I hope readers feel a sense of belonging, a sense of comfort, and the warm hug I’ve buried in every page. The gates to Lovelight will always, always be open.

Finally, for all of us already desperate for more B.K. Borison love stories, is there anything you share with us about your next novel, First Time Caller, to keep us going until its release?

My grumpiest grump! Aiden Valentine is a man who is disillusioned with love until a little girl calls into his radio station looking for a date for her mom. It’s a twist on Sleepless in Seattle, and I think it might be my favorite thing I’ve written. There’s a sexy skeeball scene, an unholy amount of shortbread cookie mentions, and a boatload of yearning and longing. I hope everyone loves it.

Get your copy of Business Casual by B.K. Borison here.

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