From the manga, the anime adaptation, to the live-action adaptation, here's a crash course to My Love Story with Yamada-Kun at Lv999.
Win a set of Blood for Blood by Catherine Doyle
5 reasons why you should read Catherine Doyle's mafia romance Blood for Blood, and a chance to win your own set!
Katie Holt, author of Not in My Book, chats standards in romance novels
Katie Holt, author of Not in My Book, chats whether the standards in romance novels are impossibly high or not.
Jasmine Mas on Blood of Hercules combining Greek and Roman myths
Jasmine Mas on how her classic studies during college inspired Blood of Hercules and why her Hercules is a woman.
Win 1 of 3 proof copies of Girl: Ultra-Processed by Amara Sage
Want to read Amara Sage's next book before everyone else? Here's your chance to win one of 3 proof copies of Girl, Ultra-Processed.
Carissa Broadbent on Crowns of Nyaxia novella Six Scorched Roses
Carissa Broadbent is known for her romantasy series, Crowns of Nyaxia, is here to chat her novella -- Six Scorched Roses.
2024 Festive Gift Guide for Book Lovers
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, December is always the perfect time to hang out with friends and family and exchange some presents. Here are 10+ books perfect for your favourite book lover. And if you still want more ideas, check…
Melissa Landers chats why Fated Mates is the Best Trope in Romantasy
Melissa Landers, author of The Half King, discusses why "fated mates" is the best trope in romantasy books.
More fantasy books you should read before the end of the year
It's December but that doesn't mean you need to swap out your dark fantasy books for festive books. Here are 10 more fantasy books you should read before 2024 ends.
Mary E. Pearson chats her adult debut, The Courting of Bristol Keats
Mary E. Pearson, author of YA series The Remnant Chronicles, has returned with her adult debut, The Courting of Bristol Keats.
Freya Marske on her “prophetic vision” for romantasy Swordcrossed
"Because it wasn't 'fantasy with a dash of romance' and it wasn't straightforwardly 'romance set in a fantasy world' (the lack of explicit magic got in the way, there) and at the time, that made it a very difficult sell."
Salomey Doku on her graphic novel Brielle and Bear: Once Upon a Time
"And it’s WILD to me that something that takes over a year to intensively craft, (never mind all the years of work before that!), can be consumed in an hour! But it’s SO lovely that people choose to support graphic novelists, falling in…
Amber Roberts on Haunt Your Heart Out & other cozy spooky reads
It's spooky season and Amber Roberts is here to chat why Haunt Your Heart Out is perfect for those who prefer a lighter spooky book.
Kiersten White on her Dracula retelling, Lucy Undying
More and more classics are getting retold recently, and Lucy Undying is Kiersten White's fantastic version of Dracula.
Win 1 of 3 copies of The Ending Fire by Saara El-Arifi
Saara El-Arifi's stunning trilogy is coming to an end, and we are giving 3 of you a chance to win a copy of the finale, The Ending Fire.