Do I have OCD? I like to think I’m just organised
Do you wash your hands more than you think you should or arrange your food cupboard in a certain order? I do. Some people have often said I have “OCD“. I don’t believe them I just like to think I’m particular about things. It’s how I want things to be, I consider myself as being organised.

My name isn’t Ann but cheers anyway.
What is OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), is a condition marked by obsessive thoughts and compulsions.
Here are the things I do that some people consider as “OCD”-esque
Toilet paper on public toilet seats

Ok, so I only do this in public places. I’m not a fan of using public toilets, especially when I see people leaving without washing their hands. The worst thing is when you see piss on the seat. Seriously? If you’re going to hover, wipe up after yourself. Public toilets mean loads of arses have sat on the seat you’re about to sit on. I know putting toilet paper down on the seat won’t change that, but it makes me feel a bit better anyway.
Hangers pointing the same way

This is a habit I’ve got into since moving, and I’m not really sure why. I just think it makes the wardrobe tidier.
Colour coordinated clothes

I’ve realised that since sorting out my clothes I tend to stick to the same colours. Black, white, blue/navy, grey and brown. That’s as extravagant as it gets. Each section of my wardrobe is sectioned off in these colours, and if I happen to have different shades of a colour then they’re divided into those sections too. As I’m writing this I’m beginning to question myself, don’t judge me.
The number “13”

I’m not one of these people who’s superstitious, honestly. Whenever a Friday falls on the 13th I don’t get freaked out about it. The only thing I don’t like about the number is whenever the volume of the TV or car radio gets put onto that number. Just don’t. I’m not sure why this bothers me so much.
Fussy parking

This is what makes my friends laugh the most. My fussy car parking habits. I ALWAYS park on an “end space”. You know the ones. My theory is – if some dumb ass damages my car with their irresponsible twat like parking then it’s only going to happen on the one side of me, not both. A perfectly valid reason, isn’t it?
Do you do anything similar? Please tell me I am not alone.
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